*UPDATED* For this event we will be opening the doors at 8AM.

Shop one of the largest $1 book selections in the country! With over 500,000 sorted books all in one room. We only open the basement 3 times a year, so you do not want to miss this event. You know your collection needs those holes filled!

Also, please note that there is a festival going on it Ellwood city that day and Lawrence Ave will be closed. You may park at the VFW for free, just give us your license plate number when you get to the store.

Butler’s Grand Reopening Sale!

Join us as we celebrate our ButlerĀ store’s new location!

Saturday Aug 5, 10am – 5pm
50% off Dollar Books!
20% off Back Issues!
10% off Toys and Graphic Novels!

*Giveaways all day! Get one entry for every purchase and all subscribers get one free entry!*

Not at Comic Con Day! Sat July 22

Are you a nerd that wants to go to San Diego Comic Con but can’t afford it or fit in to your schedule?

Stop into your local New Dimension Comics from 10am – 5pmĀ and check out some awesome local talent that wants to give you a little bit of that experience! Check with your local store to see who will be there!

Century III will have: Ian Sharpley

Ohio Valley will have: Justin Birch and Kelci Crawford

Not only will we have some great talent in the stores but if you wear a cape you will get 10% OFF your entire purchases all day! And it doesn’t have to be a great cape either. It would be a towel, a burlap sack, a napkin even!

If you are interested in setting up as an artist at one of our locations please send an email to us via this contact form.