Check out all the amazing creators that are coming to the 3rd annual 3 Rivers Comicon, May 19-20, 2018.
Check out all the amazing creators that are coming to the 3rd annual 3 Rivers Comicon, May 19-20, 2018.
Jon and friends talk about key spoilers and give their thoughts about Star Wars Ep 8. We encourage you to go see it for yourself, make your own opinions, and we hope you enjoy it. Their views are not the views of everyone or New Dimension Comics.
*** This episode contains spoilers. You have been warned.
Jon and Chris talk about Super Sons, Batman, and Witchblade. As well as Runaways, the Gifted, Happy! and the Titans announcements. Also, lots of 3 Rivers Comicon announcements and our predictions about Star Wars: the Last Jedi.
We are opening the doors at 8am!
Shop one of the largest $1 book selections in the country! With over 500,000 sorted books all in one room. We only open the basement 3 times a year, so you do not want to miss this event. You know your collection needs those holes filled!
You may park at the VFW for free, just give us your license plate number when you get to the store.
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