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Meet local artists!
Geoff Munn
Geoff Munn is a Pittsburgh based Freelance Animator/Illustrator with experience in Video Game Design, Animation, Comics, Multimedia, and Graphic Design. He self publishes the comics “#parenting” and “Interstellar Squad” online, and self publishes “Kiosk: Life in Neutral” in trades. 2016 has seen the first collection of “#parenting” published, with volume 2 coming by the end of the year.
Josh Bommer
Bomtron Art is the handle used by Joshua Bommer, an illustrator and pop culture artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His subject matter covers a wide cross section of comic books, television, and film. In his professional life he has created art for Topps and LucasFilm and would also love to create some art for you.
Nathanael Batchelor
Nathanael Batchelor is a freelance comic/concept artist, as well as a voice actor, sculptor, and special effects/makeup artist. He has worked on Adventure a Week and three RPG books, Veranthea Codex, Hypercorps 2099 as the lead artist, and Mists of Akuma.
Marvin Wynn
Marvin Wynn is a resident of Pittsburgh PA, and begun crafting the story of The Edge in 1992. The story went through multiple iterations and story changes before starting work with Mark V. It was then that the story settled into what it is today. Marvin is an avid gamer siting Uncharted as his favorite video game series.

James Sims
JW’s career started in 1995 with his very first BOBA FETT drawing. “I posted it on Facebook just to show my friends and see what they thought. The reaction was more than I had ever expected. I was off drawing like crazy, and before I knew it I had people offering to pay me to draw them something and HOOLIGAN ALLEY PRODUCTIONS was born.”
In 2017, JW battled illness and an amputation; all the while, his art had been the thing that kept his head above water. That’s when he decided, there is no better time than now, to pursue his dream and resurrect ‘DARKEST NIGHT’ (a comic he actually started in 1997). He began to plot out the first story arc and quickly realized he was going to need help writing this thing. At the same time JW started working on a short 5 page story entitled, ‘EL DIABLO AZUL: IRISH WAKE’. The story was written by Derek Adnams and features the character El Diablo Azul created by Michael Waggoner.JW then enlisted the help of first time comic writer Stephen Kelley. JW and Stephen worked together to flesh out the first two issues of ‘DARKEST NIGHT’. At the same time JW had several other ideas for books and one of these ideas was called, ‘FALL FROM GRACE’ (originally titled Hope Falls) with writer, Daniel Hamm and illustrator, Roy Stewart.
Currently JW has become the artist on “Sinful Justice” for Virtuosity Entertainment and writer Stephen Dodd (issue #1 currently available). He has also done the colors for comics “Police State” #2 (Nathaniel Broadus), “Arcane” by Ross Kennedy, among some other stuff that have not been announced yet.
Jack Vasvary
Jack Vasvary is a freelance artist from Pittsburgh. He studied Visual Arts at Radford University as well as Multimedia Technologies at Pittsburgh Technical Institute. While attending Radford University, he was a staff writer and graphic artist for Whim – Radford University’s online magazine. His one-panel cartoons, inspired by Gary Larson’s The Far Side, often mash up pop culture references that show off his inner geek and unique sense of humor. He has also done color work for the third installment of John Davis and Patrick Ebel’s comic book “Worlds Apart” as well as “The Adventures of Steeldog and Steel Puppy: The Garden Party” and the upcoming issue of “Steel Man”. Jack has also designed artwork for the table-top gaming company Wynner’s Circle Games including upcoming game “Squish.” Finally, he is working on his first graphic novel, Hammurabi, which he hopes to have published soon.
NDC is currently looking for local creators for Local Comic Shop Day to be featured at our Butler and Ohio Valley Stores. If you are interested in being a guest please email our General Manager Jon at Jonengel(at)
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